The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita

Bernd H. Fritsch


148 pages, Paperback

Books on Demand

ISBN-10: 3738626271

ISBN-13: 978-3738626278


    9,50 €

The Essence of the Bhagavad Gita


This book results from the author‘s decades of in-depth studies of Eastern spirituality.

The Bhagavad Gita combines the most beautiful pearls of Ancient Indian wisdom into a wonderful entity.

The “Song of the Sublime“ thoroughly explains all the important subjects of the earthly and the divine world. The Gita provides us with one of the most valuable and beautiful revelations mankind has ever received. Its verses open a gate to spiritual self-recognition and to a discovery of the divine.

This edition of the Gita offers today‘s readers a most practical access to its essence thanks to a careful selection of all important text passages and the use of clear, easily understandable language.

Comments added to the translation will facilitate a deep understanding of this ancient and yet timeless eastern teaching.


Bernd Helge Fritsch

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The author

Bernd Helge Fritsch: Until the age of forty, Bernd Helge Fritsch was a successful lawyer in the Austrian city of Graz. Following an inner voice, he gave up his law practice. Since then, he has been active as a writer, spiritual teacher and mentor. He spent many years travelling, mainly in Asia and southern Europe. He lived in Buddhist and Hindu monasteries, studying and practicing Zen.